Gone Vegan!

Girls Gone Wild VEGAN. "Have you... gone vegan?" This comment that inevitably pops up on social media under photos or recipes I share lacking meat and cheese, always gives me a chuckle. What does it mean? Have I been abducted by aliens? It certainly hints that I have gone, nuts? (Yum!) Off the deep end? To the extreme? Yes, I suppose I have. But I have never felt better! The next question I get, is, WHY?! The most pressing reason I have finally and enthusiastically embraced a Whole Food, Plant Based lifestyle is for Health. At the time I am starting this blog, I have dropped 60 pounds in just 4 months. I have much more to go, but my energy is abounding and my skin is silky smooth. I feel great, and, after battling a chronic disease for 18 years and having no thyroid, feeling great was something I thought could only happen to other people. I follow Forks Over Knives, The China Study, and How Not to Die. So, yes, it's a vegan diet. But it also means little to no processed foods, oils or refined sugars. I can literally feel my body healing from the inside out. And this blog will share with you my favorite recipes, solutions and the journey of taking my family... kids, husband and my mom, along with me. To wholehearted healing. One bite. One bowl. One day at a time.


  1. Yay! Excited to continue to read on your journey, girlfriend!


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